Sunday 15 June 2008

I change my mindset towards it.
Its ALWAYS a hassle. Its nothing but it.
urgh. i realised im slow.

Now i knw.. Now i knw..


after everyth, this is what you give me ? LIES !


everyones gonna lie.

the FORSAKEN at 11:01

Thursday 12 June 2008

ure right. i brought this upon myself.
there are many things that i can say. But i guess you wouldnt want anymore shit.

No ones me. No one would understand would they ?

but thanks. thanks dear. for finally saying everyth that ud always had to say. Everyth.
you care. i knw u do. so thanks.

the FORSAKEN at 01:31

All these while you were just lying.
All these while, you were just pretending.
All these while, you were just waiting for this moment wernt u ?
All these while, i thought ure the only one that understood.
All these while, ive been stupified.
All these while, urgh
All these while, i thought u could trust you.
All these while, serve me right.
All these while, everything was a lie.

the FORSAKEN at 01:13

Live life, love it, have it.
forget it.

Be yourself. Yes be yourself.
But sometimes being yourself just doesnt work.
Ppl would jus dislike you for who you are.
Ppl just dont understand.

Im different.
Im no one.
Im not anyone but me.

Accept that please ?
It is just me.

I guess you'll never understand.
How its like being me.

You think im a well manipulated piece of dream.
That can never be true.
A deceiving hope.
One that leaves nothing but heartaches.

But think of me as,
someone who's different.
Someone who'd do anything for anyone.
Why can't you have that mindset.

Im just sorry for being me.

No one would understand would they ?

Why ?!

Blame myself for it. That's the only way.
You're gonna leave me anyway arnt you ?

After all, im a hassle.
Nothing but that.

But just think of me as someone
who isnt able to fathom anything right now.

Who isnt able to comprehend the happenings in his life.
Someone who isnt able to rectify everything because he doesnt know how.
Someone who just needs a miracle in his life.
Someone who used to be that friend.
Someone who were there for you always.
That person who expected nothing but you being happy.

But now that mindset of one in a billion...
Has perished. Without a trace. Because of his ego.

Because he's just different. Because he is just unlike others.
Being different isn't you is it ?


the FORSAKEN at 00:17

Wednesday 11 June 2008

Sometimes when faith is running low,
And i just cant fathom why things are so,
i walk among everything & everyone that i know.
And learn all the answers i would knw,
For among them i have learnt to see,
Life is a miracle & a mystery
And standing in silence & reverie
My faith comes running back to me.

the FORSAKEN at 22:38

Living under the moonlight,
Thinking of you all night.

Taken aback when you bid goodbye,
But i have to hold myself once again.

Tonight, i knw ure not coming back to me.
And all i would ever see,
are the memories that follow.. those of you & me..

We used to go anywher tgt
But things are so differnt now..
and ure not by my side anymore..
Now im jus left alone.

Run, running away from reality.
cause i aint wana be me.
Feel like falling dwn agn.
But this time without you, baby.

I feel like i've been stupified.
To even think that you'd love me again.
Cause tonight would be th night i leave you..
To leave you with memories of days we spent together..

the FORSAKEN at 22:32

Life's An Irony
An irony of love and friendship

Life's a play
A play of hypocrisy

Aren't you even tired of these?

Fate's playing this big joke on me
On you and i, on us

let me go
Before i break down

the FORSAKEN at 22:02

Life can be a hassle sometimes. But why ?
Does this statement still apply ?
Life is how you make it to be.

Sometimes i really wonder what life is..
Pondering here pondering ther
Maybe ther's something that im giving amiss
Is it whether life is always fair ?

Life.. so precious.. Despite that, people just wana end it.
I cant blame them. I feel the same way too.
Life, a balance of things ?
Life, a balance of sadness & happiness ?
Life, what is it ?

K this is crap. i dont knw what i was writing.. -.-'

the FORSAKEN at 21:46


A place where i let my emotions out


NURULHUDA's diary of thoughts

those STORMY nights

June 2008
July 2008


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